Winter is an amazing time to connect with family — enjoying the holidays, vacations, and cozy time on the couch. But, also remember it’s great to get out and move, even when there’s a chill in the air. In fact, being active and exercising as a family improves family bonding and teaches good habits!
My husband started taking Nikko to Y swimming lessons at 8 months old. The Y puts a smile on her face. She’s healthy and active, with the pride and self-esteem that comes with feeling strong as a swimmer. The YMCA was critical to getting her there.
With May being National Water Safety Month and summer just around the corner, now is a great time for families to learn how to be safe in and around the water. Learning water safety skills can serve kids for their whole lives.
There is nothing like New York City in the summer, especially if you have a little one and are excited by all that is right at your doorstep! No more coat, gloves, and boots — we can grab a water bottle and go!
I’m not just teaching someone how to swim, I’m teaching core values they will have for life. Values that will build their confidence and character, so they can succeed in the real world. That’s what’s really special about the Y. We can help everyone who walks through our doors.
For over two years, Rima Izquierdo searched across the city for swim programs that cater to special needs children, but they all turned her away. Then she found her way to the Y.