Find the YMCA with a pool closest to you, and enjoy member discounts on swim classes around the city.

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Free swim for laps, recreation, and families

Your City-wide membership allow you to swim at any eligible YMCA during its scheduled lap swim and family swim times. 


Swim classes for all

Your Flatbush YMCA membership entitles you to swimming lessons at member rates at any of our 22 convenient locations across New York City. Our programs are about water safety, skill development and fun for everyone: we have an aquatic program for every skill level and interest. Our swimming classes are about more than just techniques and skills; they are about building friendships, developing self-esteem and creating positive experiences that last a lifetime. Lessons are available for all ages. 


YMCAs with pools near Flatbush

Prospect Park YMCA
357 Ninth Street

Bedford-Stuyvesant YMCA
1121 Bedford Avenue

Find a Y near you