We are so excited to welcome you to swim lessons, instructional sports, and more. 

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Spring I Programming starts February 24!
Member registration opens Saturday, February 8 and community registration opens Saturday, February 15. Session availability varies by branch location. Explore your branch offerings today and Join the Y today for early access and discounts!

Instructional Sports & Dance

Basketball Clinic, Ages 3-12

A clinic that will allow young people to develop their basketball skill while building relationships.  The clinic will not include physical contact.  Please choose the offering according to skill level – beginner, intermediate and advanced. Bring your own basketball with your name on it, filled water bottle and towel (optional).  We will provide basketballs for those who do not have their own. All programs will be modified to allow for additional safety precautions including ensuring social distancing as appropriate.

(Ages 3-5 years)
Saturdays 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM


(Ages 6-8 years)
Saturdays 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


(Ages 9-12 years)
Saturdays 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Soccer Foundations, Ages 6-8

An energetic program that emphasizes teamwork and positivity through exercises designed to familiarize young players to the game of soccer with age appropriate teaching tools and drills.

This program is not being offered for the Summer 2022 session. 


Jin Sei Ryu Karate, Ages 4-12

Jin Sei Ryu Karate develops physical conditioning, mental awareness and self-defense strategies. Students will learn to develop speed, power, focus, and balance. Summer 2022 is a six-week session. 

Pee Wee (Ages 4-5 years)
Saturdays 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM


Junior (Ages 6-8 years)
Saturdays 12:55 PM - 1:55 PM


Youth (Ages 9-12 years)
Saturdays 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Hip Hop Jazz, Ages 5-8

Jazz up your Saturday!  In this class, dancers will explore variations of jazz dance while infusing modern hip-hop elements into their routine.  Each class will build on skills such as isolations, balances, turns, leaps, kicks, and movement sequences. All programs will be modified to allow for additional safety precautions including ensuring social distancing as appropriate.

This program is not being offered for the Summer 2022 session. 

Ballet, Ages 3-8

This ballet class is perfect for young dancers of any skill level. This class will be tailored to each student's abilities, while challenging them through classical barre exercises, across-the -floor combinations, and creative play. Dancers will learn basic ballet positions, balances, port-de-bras, short variations, and modes of expression form the classical canon.

(Ages 3-4 years)
Wednesdays 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM



(Ages 5-8 years)
Wednesdays 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Creative Movement, Ages 1-4

Move, Stretch, Dance, Shake – This class is all about letting your little ones explore themselves through movement.  Each class will allow for children to be engaged in a variety of ways, incorporating music, singing, tumbling, balancing and more.  Activities will help to develop children’s self-confidence, creativity, balance and coordination all while having fun!  Parent/Guardian participation required for the 1-2yr age group. All programs will be modified to allow for additional safety precautions including ensuring social distancing as appropriate.

Parent/guardian participation is required. 

Wednesdays 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM



Music and Movement, Ages 0-5

Rhythm, Beats, Dance and Play! Through games, song and dance children will explore songs, rhythm, and the movement of their bodies.

This program is not being offered for the Summer 2022 session. 


Swim Lessons, Parents & Child

Stage A: Water Discovery, Ages 6-18 months
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: None needed 
  • Adult participation: One parent or guardian per child must be in the pool for each lesson

The class introduces infants and toddlers to the aquatic environment through exploration.
Sat 12:15 PM-12:45 PM


Stage B: Water Exploration, Ages 12-36 months
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child is comfortable in the water or child has taken Stage A Water Discovery
  • Adult participation: One parent or guardian per child must be in the pool for each lesson

Focuses on exploring body positions, blowing bubbles, and fundamental safety and aquatic skills.

Wed 4:00 PM-4:30 PM
Sat 9:00 AM-9:30 AM


Stage 1 Water Acclimation with Parent, Ages 2.5-5
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: None needed. This class is for kids who aren’t yet comfortable going under water voluntarily.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Bob to submerge in water
    ○ Front and back glide to the wall for 5 feet with no help
    ○ Front and back float for 10 seconds with help
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back with help
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab with help
    ○ Swim, float, swim 10 feet with help
    ○ Exit the water

Preschoolers develop comfort with underwater exploration and are introduced to basic self-rescue skills performed with assistance.

Sat 9:35 AM-10:05 AM
Sat 11:00AM-11:30 AM



Swim Lessons, Preschool

Stage 1 Water Acclimation, Ages 3-5
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: None needed. This class is for kids who aren’t yet comfortable going under water voluntarily.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Bob to submerge in water
    ○ Front and back glide to the wall for 5 feet with no help
    ○ Front and back float for 10 seconds with help
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back with help
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab with help
    ○ Swim, float, swim 10 feet with help
    ○ Exit the water

Preschoolers develop comfort with underwater exploration and are introduced to basic self-rescue skills performed with assistance.

Tues 4:35 PM-5:05 PM
Thurs 4:00 PM-4:30 PM
Fri 4:00 PM-4:45 PM
Sat 9:00 AM-9:30 AM


Stage 2 Water Movement, Ages 3-5
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 1 skills as follows:
    ○ Go underwater and comfortably open eyes without goggles
    ○ Float on front and back with minimal assistance
    ○ Jump into the pool, submerge, and return to the wall with assistance
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able to do a front and back float on their own.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Submerge to look at an object on the bottom of the pool
    ○ Front and back glide to the wall for 5 feet
    ○ Front and back float for 10 seconds
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab
    ○ Swim, float, swim 5 yards
    ○ Tread water near the wall for 10 seconds
    ○ Exit the water

Preschoolers focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water, while also continuing to practice how to safely exit in the event of falling into water.

Tues 5:45 PM-6:15 PM
Wed 4:40 PM-5:10 PM
Thurs 4:35 PM-5:05 PM
Fri 4:35 PM-5:05 PM
Sat 9:35 AM-10:05 AM


Stage 3 Water Stamina, Ages 3-5
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 2 skills as follows:
    ○ Float on front and back unassisted
    ○ Push off the wall on stomach with face submerged for 10 feet unassisted
    ○ Swim, float, swim 15 feet unassisted
    ○ Jump into deep water and return to the wall unassisted
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able to swim 10-15 yards on their front and back.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Retrieve an object in chest-deep water
    ○ Swim on front and back for 10 yards
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab 10 yards
    ○ Swim, float, swim 15 yards
    ○ Tread water for 30 seconds
    ○ Exit the water

Preschoolers learn how to swim to safety from a longer distance than in previous stages. The class also introduces rhythmic breathing and integrated arm/leg action.

Wed 4:35 PM-5:05 PM
Fri 5:10 PM-5:40 PM


Swim Lessons, School Age and Teens

Stage 1 Water Acclimation, Ages 5-12
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: None needed. This class is for kids who aren’t yet comfortable going under water voluntarily.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Bob to submerge in water
    ○ Front and back glide to the wall for 5 feet with no help
    ○ Front and back float for 10 seconds with help
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back with help
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab with help
    ○ Swim, float, swim 10 feet with help
    ○ Exit the water

Students develop comfort with underwater exploration and are introduced to basic self-rescue skills performed with assistance.

Tues 4:00 PM-4:30PM


Stage 1 Water Acclimation, Ages 12+
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: None needed. This class is for kids who aren’t yet comfortable going under water voluntarily.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Bob to submerge in water
    ○ Front and back glide to the wall for 5 feet with no help
    ○ Front and back float for 10 seconds with help
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back with help
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab with help
    ○ Swim, float, swim 10 feet with help
    ○ Exit the water

Student develops comfort with underwater exploration and are introduced to basic self-rescue skills performed with assistance.

Sat 11:30 PM-12:15 PM


Stage 2 Water Movement, Ages 5-12
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 1 skills as follows:
    ○ Go underwater and comfortably open eyes without goggles
    ○ Float on front and back with minimal assistance
    ○ Jump into the pool, submerge, and return to the wall with assistance
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able to do a front and back float on their own.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Submerge to look at an object on the bottom of the pool
    ○ Front and back glide to the wall for 5 feet
    ○ Front and back float for 10 seconds
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab
    ○ Swim, float, swim 5 yards
    ○ Tread water near the wall for 10 seconds
    ○ Exit the water

Students focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water, while also continuing to practice how to safely exit in the event of falling into water.

Wed 4:00 PM-4:30 PM
Thurs 5:25 PM-5:55 PM
Fri 5:45 PM-6:15 PM
Sat 11:35 AM-12:05 PM


Stage 3 Water Stamina, Ages 5-12
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 2 skills as follows:
    ○ Float on front and back unassisted
    ○ Push off the wall on stomach with face submerged for 10 feet unassisted
    ○ Swim, float, swim 15 feet unassisted
    ○ Jump into deep water and return to the wall unassisted
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able to swim 10-15 yards on their front and back.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Retrieve an object in chest-deep water
    ○ Swim on front and back for 10 yards
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab 10 yards
    ○ Swim, float, swim 15 yards
    ○ Tread water for 30 seconds
    ○ Exit the water

Students learn how to swim to safety from a longer distance than in previous stages. The class also introduces rhythmic breathing and integrated arm/leg action.

Tues 5:10 PM-5:40 PM
Thurs 4:50 PM-5:20 PM
Sat 9:30 AM-10:00 AM
Sat 10:55 AM-11:25 AM


Stage 3 Water Stamina, Ages 12+
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 2 skills as follows:
    ○ Float on front and back unassisted
    ○ Push off the wall on stomach with face submerged for 10 feet unassisted
    ○ Swim, float, swim 15 feet unassisted
    ○ Jump into deep water and return to the wall unassisted
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able to swim 10-15 yards on their front and back.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Retrieve an object in chest-deep water
    ○ Swim on front and back for 10 yards
    ○ Roll from back to front and front to back
    ○ Jump, push, turn, grab 10 yards
    ○ Swim, float, swim 15 yards
    ○ Tread water for 30 seconds
    ○ Exit the water


Students learn how to swim to safety from a longer distance than in previous stages. The class also introduces rhythmic breathing and integrated arm/leg action.

Wed 6:00 PM-6:45 PM


Stage 4 Stroke Introduction, Ages 5-12
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 3 skills as follows:
    ○ Submerge and retrieve an object in chest-deep water
    ○ Swim front crawl 15 yards while taking a breath
    ○ Swim, float, swim 15 yards
    ○ Jump in and tread water for 30 seconds
    ○ Swim to wall and exit
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able to swim 15 yards of front and back crawl.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Swim the front crawl with rotary breathing for 15 yards
    ○ Breaststroke kick for 15 yards
    ○ Butterfly kick for 15 yards
    ○ Elementary backstroke for 15 yards
    ○ Dive from a sitting position
    ○ Tread water using a scissor and whip kick for one minute
    ○ Swim any combination of strokes for 25 yards

Having mastered the fundamentals, students learn additional water safety skills and build stroke technique.

Tues 4:00 PM-4:45 PM
Wed 5:10 PM-5:55 PM
Thurs 5:10 PM-5:55 PM
Sat 11:30 AM-12:15 PM


Stage 5 Stroke Development, Ages 5-12
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 4 skills as follows:
    ○ Front crawl and back crawl 25 yards
    ○ Swim breaststroke kick and dolphin kick 15 yards
    ○ Tread water using multiple kicks for 1 minute
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able swim the front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke across the pool.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Swim the front crawl with bent-arm recovery for 25 yards
    ○ Breaststroke for 25 yards
    ○ Butterfly with simultaneous arm action and kick for 15 yards
    ○ Back crawl for 25 yards
    ○ Sidestroke for 25 yards
    ○ Dive from a kneeling position
    ○ Tread water using a scissor and whip kick for 2 minutes
  • ○ Swim any combination of strokes for 50 yards

Students work on stroke technique and learn all major competitive swimming strokes.

Tues 4:45 PM-5:30 PM
Thurs 4:00 PM-4:45 PM
Sat 10:15 AM-11:00 AM


Stage 6 Stroke Mechanics, Ages 5-12
  • Class length: 30 minutes
  • Qualification: Child must be able to demonstrate all Stage 5 skills as follows:
    ○ Swim the front crawl with bent-arm recovery for 25 yards
    ○ Swim back crawl with stroke rotation for 25 yards
    ○ Swim butterfly with over arm recovery
    ○ Swim breaststroke for 25 yards achieving stroke rhythm
    ○ Dive from kneeling position
    ○ This class is for kids who are not able swim the front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke across the pool and back.
  • Skills Practiced:
    ○ Swim the front crawl for 50 yards and do a flip turn
    ○ Breaststroke for 50 yards and do an open turn
    ○ Butterfly for 25 yards
    ○ Back crawl for 25 yards and do a flip turn
    ○ Sidestroke or elementary backstroke for 50 yards
    ○ Dive from a standing position
    ○ Swim any combination of strokes for 150 yards
  • ○ Swim any combination of strokes for 50 yards

Students refine stroke technique on the major competitive strokes, learn about competitive swimming and discover how to incorporate swimming into a healthy lifestyle.

Tues 5:30 PM-6:15 PM
Sat 10:10 AM-10:55 AM


Aquatics Conditioning, Ages 8-17

Focusing on conditioning to build endurance and stroke technique on all major competitive strokes and encourages swimming as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Wed 5:15 PM-6:00 PM
Thurs 6:00 PM-6:45 PM
Sat 10:05 AM-10:55 AM


Private and Small Group Swim Lessons

Private swim lessons are now available for members ages 3 years and up. Contact us online to learn more >

Family and Friends Swim Lessons
Build your own lesson! This great new program allows you to register your family and friends in the same class. It doesn't matter their ages or abilities. The instructor will create an environment that will build upon any and all skills levels. This is great for families and friends that want to remain in their pod! Contact us online to learn more >

Community Arts

Watercolor, Ages 18+

This in-person class is for playing with watercolor techniques with an emphasis on finding and developing your own personal style. Frequent subject materials include: still life set-ups and photos, but students are also encouraged to use personal projects. 

Instructor: Bonnie Steinsnyder

This class is not offered for the Summer 2022 session. 

Beaded Jewelry, Ages 18+

This workshop is for beginners as well as those with some beading experience. Participants will learn a variety of popular beading stitches, which will then be applied to projects chosen by the instructor. You may purchase your own supplies through your preferred vendor.

Instructor: Carole Horn

This class is not offered for the Summer 2022 session. 

Writing for Stage and Screen, Ages 18+

In-person class. Do you have an idea for a stage-play, television pilot or screenplay? Or perhaps you’ve written a full or partial draft and now you want some constructive feedback to inspire you toward completion? Or maybe you don't have any ideas at all and just want to get inspired and have fun learning something about writing for the stage and screen? In this workshop writing prompts and in-class writing exercises tailored to individual needs will address Dramatic Writing craft fundamentals including; story, conflict, character, dialogue, visual action and revision.  Students bring in new pages of their script-in-progress to class and hear their material read out loud.  In-class writing exercises tailored to individual needs help students develop skills and write scripts. All levels welcome. If you have questions, contact theschulberts@gmail.com.

Instructor: Charlie Schulman. Charlie is a Playwright, Theater Producer and Screenwriter. He teaches Screenwriting and Playwriting at New York University. 

This class is not offered for the Summer 2022 session. 

Telling Great Stories

In-person class. Everyone has a story to tell. Whether you’re a skilled practitioner polishing a piece or a beginner learning the craft, this workshop has something for you. Often, there isn’t a big difference between fiction and nonfiction, and both formats are welcome here. Many writers begin with incidents that they remember, or situations that are happening now, and shape that material into stories. We will focus on elements of “creative” prose writing—plot, character, setting, voice, and beginnings and endings—through weekly prompts and detailed critiques. Exercises and works in progress will be reviewed in class in a friendly supportive atmosphere. Revisions of works in progress will be considered, as well. Often, work begun as an exercise grows into a longer piece after the class meeting. Each writer will receive one-to- one attention. The workshop is open to everyone.

Instructor: Thaddeus Rutkowski

This class is not offered for the Summer 2022 session. 

Open Studio – Wheel, Ages 18+

Open Studio is recommended for those who are familiar with the ceramic process and feel confident working independently. A studio monitor will be present to assist as needed. Enrollment in any of the instructional ceramics classes comes with one free open studio weekly session. (Please inform membership of your included open studio preference). Open studio is also available separately.

Monday 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
Tuesday 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Thursday 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
Thursday 4:30 PM-8:30 PM
Friday 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Saturday 1:00 PM-5:00 PM



Open Studio – Handbuilding, Ages 18+

Open Studio is recommended for those who are familiar with the ceramic process and feel confident working independently. A studio monitor will be present to assist as needed.

Tuesday 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Thursday 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
Thursday 4:30 PM-8:30 PM
Friday 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Saturday 1:00 PM-5:00 PM


Beginner/Intermediate Wheel

Beginners will learn the basic skills of throwing on the potter's wheel and glazing techniques. Instructors will assist students with creating individual projects and developing skills. Demoes and critiques will be given regularly.

Instructor: Nanette Ronner

Tuesday 6:00 PM-8:30 PM


Intermediate/Advanced Wheel

Intermediate students will work on individual projects to further develop their skills and unique personal expressions. Demoes and critiques will be given regularly. Previous throwing experience is necessary.

Instructor: Nanette Ronner

Saturday 10:00 AM-12:30 PM



Instructor: Julie Knight

Tuesday 10:00 AM-12:30 PM
Wednesday 6:00 PM-8:30 PM

Beginners Plus Handbuilding

During this class students will learn the basics of hand building. Coiling, pinch pots and slab techniques are taught. Students with some experience will be given more challenging projects with these techniques. Instructional classes come with a free open studio session - please inform the membership team in person or by phone to indicate which open studio day/time you would like to select.

Instructor: Kate Missett

Wednesday 12:00 PM-2:30 PM


Clayworks, Ages 6-9

A fun clay class designed especially for this age group. Children will explore the entire clay process including making, glazing and firing their work. Projects include boxes, lanterns, wall reliefs, mugs and sculptures.

Instructor: Sybil Costello

This class is not offered for the Summer 2022 session. 

Stained Glass

Learn to create beautiful glass objects using this ancient craft. Students learn to create patterns, cut foil and solder stained glass into a variety of useful and sculptural forms that include candle holders, night lights, mirrors and light catchers. Ample individual assistance enables each person to pursue their individual projects. Essential equipment provided; students must purchase additional supplies separately (we will provide recommendations on locations to purchase).

Instructor: Lauire Gregg

This class is not offered for the Summer 2022 session. 

Advanced Handbuilding

This ceramics class is for those who want to expand their knowledge of surface treatments. This will include color, texture, transfers, resists and more.  This class is open to participants of all levels.

Instructor: Kate Missett

Monday 1:00 PM-3:30 PM
