The YMCA of Greater New York continues to thrive because of the generosity of corporations, foundations, and individuals who support our mission.
Here is a list of our leading supporters whose impactful contributions in 2024 helped make a difference.
For all donor related inquiries please email us at
Able Facility Solutions
Susan S. Alexander
Amazin' Mets Foundation
Ambrose Monell Foundation
American Express
Bank of America
Blackstone Credit & Insurance
Bloomberg Philanthropies
BNY Mellon
Boston Consulting Group
Broadway Stages Ltd
Brookfield Properties
BSE Global
Canteen Vending
Capital Group Companies
Capital One
Charles H. Revson Foundation, Inc.
Citi Foundation
Clearview Festival Productions
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc.
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Irene D. Collia Trust
Con Edison
Deloitte LLP
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Cheryl C. and Blair W. Effron
Estate of Claire Poletti
Estate of Eva S. Watson
Imperial Bag & Paper Co., LLC
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Roy R. Joseph
K Restoration & Roofing Corp
Koch Family Foundation
Life Fitness
Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation
MacMillan Family Foundation
McKinsey & Company
Jeremy Mindich
Linda Modico
Moklam Enterprises, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Guillaume Morin
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
National Grid Foundation
New York Life Foundation
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Sandie and Frank O'Connor
Ong Family Foundation
Paul L. Martin Charitable Trust
Pfizer, Inc.
Margitta Rose
I. Anthony Rosenthal
John W. and Valerie Rowe
P. Justin Skala and Ann Skala
SQA Foundation, Inc.
Staten Island Foundation
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences
The Heckscher Foundation for Children
The Pinkerton Foundation
The Trade Desk
Turner Construction Company
Walentas Foundation Ltd.
YMCA of the USA
YMCA Retirement Fund
Raymond H. Yu and the Yu Family
A&E TV Networks
Gina J. Argento
Colleen K. Baum
Elizabeth Bergin
Lawrence F. Bremer
Paul Britton
Build-A-Life Foundation
Cadent TV
Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Charles S Keene Foundation
Charter / Spectrum Reach
Joseph Curtin
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
E-J Electric Installation Co.
Ernst & Young LLP
ExxonMobil Corporation
FOX Corporation
Genting New York/Resorts World
Sharon Greenberger
Inner City Handball Association
Marlene A. Jones
JR Van Brunt Fund
Ami G. Kaplan
Soo Jin Kim
KSW Mechanical Services
Elizabeth S. Lasdon
Lau N. Son Produce
Lawrence H. Woodward Funeral, Inc.
Robert C. Lieber and Pepper Evans
John Liu
MetLife Foundation
ML, Inc.
Motion Picture Mechanics Local
Cindy A. Murray
National Grid
New York Plumbing
New York Yankees Foundation
Katherine Nickerson and Steven Shea
On Point System & Management, Inc.
Padula Foundation
Paramount Advertising
Red Crane Foundation
Ridgewood Foundation
Nick Robinson
Rosenberg & Estis, P.C.
Nicholas Rudenstine
Elizabeth Rutledge
Safety Facility Services
Simulmedia, Inc.
Southpole Foundation
State Bank of India
Jonathan Stimmel
The Brodsky Organization
The Cooke Charitable Fund
The Cottage Bridge Foundation
The Deane Family Foundation Inc.
The Durst Organization
The H. W. Wilson Foundation
The John A. Hartford Foundation
The New Yankee Stadium Community
The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Douglas Tough
Karl and Mary Ellen von der Heyden
WB Wood
Joan C. West
Winston-Salem Foundation
Selin Zalma
Yuan Zhong
A.D. Winston Service, Inc.
AA CID Consulting
Matthew Ackert
Amazon Ads
AMC Networks
Matthew C. Anderson
Apple Bank
Francois Attal
Mike Beck
Susan Bokan
Marianne Bokan-Blair
Brodsky Foundation
Charles Bucher
Justin F. Carroll
Centrifugal Associates Group LLC
Champion Combustion Corp
Champion Metal & Glass, Inc.
Joseph F. Chan
Charles B. Wang Community Health
Wellington Z. Chen
David Chin
Joshua Choi
Claremont Peconic LLC
Columbia University
Commodore Construction Corp
Community Offshore Wind, LLC
Consigli Construction Co., Inc.
Alexander I. Cook
Orville W. Dale
John Dugan
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Ann S. Eng
Anthony Escobar
Eye Productions Inc.
F & T Group
Ken and Frances Onne-Fong
Rana A. Foroohar
La-Vena Francis
Justin Freiberg and Deborah Lau-Kee
Robert A. Friedman
Shannon C. Gallagher
Charlie Georgalas
Gilbane Building Company
Amy Gillenson and Jim Fornari
Sarah Gilly
Great American Insurance Company
Hallmark Media
Havas Media Group
Kelly L. Hayes
Amy K. Ho
Inverclyde Bequest Fund
Jackson Lewis Foundation
John W. Hill Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
Laura Kee
David R. Lagasse
Glenn Lau-Kee
Valerie Lau-Kee Lai
LG Ads Solutions
Lin & Susie Chen Foundation, Inc.
Barbara Logan
Major League Baseball
Katherine Mannix
Marvel Architects
MC Contracting NY Corp
James C. McKenna
Thomas L. McMahon
Ray Mercedes
MetroPlus Health Plan
Frank J. Monterisi
National Football League
Susan M. Newman
NHL Enterprises, L.P.
Glen Oberwiler
Christopher J. O'Connor
Parasol Structures
Parkview Plumbing & Heating
Steven Petchon
Peter Pan Donut & Pastry Shop
Playfly Sports
Pledgeling Foundation
Raice Contracting Corporation
Marcel S. Robin
Eve Robinson and Joshua Wiener
Nermis Rosario
Rotary Club of South Shore Staten Island
Amy and Gregory Rowland
Royal Business Bank
Cleveland D. and Greyson Rueckert
Glenn and Mary Rufrano
Thomas and Georgina Russo
Charley Ryan
Samsung Ads
Schimenti Construction
Security Benefit
Seven Seas Community Foundation
Sony Pictures Television & Game Show Network
Stonebridge Steel Erection
T & D Consulting, Inc.
Teachers Federal Credit Union
TelevisaUnivision, Inc.
The Meeks Family Foundation
The Par Group
Melvin Tse
Mary Vines
Gregg A. Walker
Warner Brothers Discovery
Richard Wasserman
Sarah Williams
Steven Wolowitz
Chun Yee Yip
3 Columbus Circle LLC
499 Union St, Inc.
Absolutely Trophies
Accenture LLP
Acme Smoked Fish Foundation, Inc.
Aimee Aiken
Charles H. Ainsworth
Adekemi P. Akinsanya
Joel I. Albarella
Ally Bank
Philip Altheim
Amazon NYC
Ariel Amdur
American Express Foundation
Richard Anderson
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Roseanne Antonucci
Peter Arbeeny
Armed Services YMCA of the USA
Asian Americans for Equality
Aspro Plumbing, Inc.
Prisca Bae
Kristina Bailey
Tiffanee Baisden
Luise A. Barrack
Camille Barrett
Pedro Barry
Barry's Auto Body, Inc.
Branden Baskin
Lance Becca
Arthur D. Bellini
David BenDavid
Beplat Hardware
Myron J. Berman
Brigitta Berze
Robert Bishop
Laurence I. Blair
Alexandra Blair
Arnold J. Blank
Blue Star Group, LLC
Ira Blumberg
Marcella A.G. Boelhouwer
Thomas Christopher Bogle
Joe Bonura
Edward Borenstein
Ambriel Bostic
Diane Boston
Kyle Bragg
Susan Brandmeyer
Andrew Brent
Scott Brindley
Michelle K. Brindley
Bronx Council on the Arts
Bronx Rotary Club Foundation
Kevin Brown
Sharlene Brown
Yvonne G. Bruno
Gerard Bryant
Deborah Buell
Veronica M. Bulgari and Stephen Haimo
Hedda Burnett
Eliza Butler
Evan Butler
Toby Byrne
Nadia Cadogan
Frank P. Carbone
Howard R. Caretto
William B. Cassidy
Lisa and David Cassone
Cathay Bank Foundation
John Catuogno
Centene Corporation
Certified Testing Labs
Champion Elevator Corporation
Richard Chapman
Kendall Charter
Ibrahim Chaudry
Carol Chen
Kai Cheng
Betty K. Cheng
Chicago Title Insurance Company
Fiona Chin
William Chin
Chinese-American Planning Council
Beverly Chodorov
Karen Choi
Christopher Vincent Cars
Yuk N. Chui
Citizens Bank
Brendan Coburn
Joanne Colacino
Rebekah Coleman
Kathryn Colglazier
Juliet Collingwood
Theresa Colthern
Compass Group USA Division
Brian Cordes
Kathy Costas
Creek Rock Ventures LLC
Peter Cruz
Paul Custer
David Czajka
Daniel Gale Foundation
Julian Dash
DCF Contracting, Inc.
Tarara Deane-Krantz and Darren Wang
Jerrod Delaine
Delco Electrical Corporation
Peter M. DeLucia
James M. Devaney
Cedric D. Dew
Stephen and Martha Dietz
Digital Trends Media Group
Thomas J. Dillman
James C. Dilorenzo
Erin Dodd
E. Hamil Douglas
Steve Driffin
Karis Durmer
Andrew Ecoff
Chunha Eisenberg
Empire Transit Mix, Inc.
John R. Emra
Emmanuel Enechukwu
Kira Eng-Bacerdo
Danielle and Eric Engelman
Every Supply Company
John S. Falcone
Famous Horse, Inc.
Fatto Benne LLC
Hazel R. Feldman
Prince Felix
Matthew Ferraguto
John Ferrara
Wendy E. Feuer
Fidelis Care
Kevin A. Finnegan
Sylvie Fitzpatrick
Flatbush Junction Association
Flushing Bank
Blake W. Foote
Stephen Forcione
Kathy Frazier
Anthony Frempong-Boadu
Robert A. Friedlander
Peter Fu
Tracy Fuller
Paula Gaffney
Michael Gaglio
Anita Garcia
Gartner, Inc.
Meishay Gattis
Patricia Giangrande
Gil-Bar Industries
Laurie Gindi
Emily Glaser
Kimberly Glassman
Matt Glickman and Susie Hwang
Mell Goldman
Aviva Goldstein
Brian Golub
Tonia Gotsis
Stanley E. Grayson
Greater Jamaica Development Corporation
Gail Green-Anderson
Joe Gromek
Victoria H. Guisinger
Kandi Hall
Joseph Hall
Harlem Hospital
Ivan W. Harper
Martha J. Harvey
Amr Hassan
David Held
Zachariah Hennessey
Shannon Hobbs
Akintayo O. Holder
Hudson River Foundation
Carol J. Hunt
Inspira Mastermind Corporation
Iron Mike Youth Sports Foundation
J Struthers Provisions, Inc.
J&J Dinaso
Hilary Jager
Bill James
Natalie Jaros
Kylie Jasenski
JCPenney Company, Inc.
Marjorie Jean-Jacques
Patrick B. Jenkins
JFord Consulting LLC
JG Furnishings
JMB and SMB Burrows Family Trust
Daniela John
Ronald G. John
Deniece Jones
Dordy Jourdain
Riaz A. Jurney
Albert Kalimian
Kelly Kang
Elizabeth Kay
Denis Kelleher
Michael A. Keller
Robert Kelly
Mike Kieler
Charles A. King
John and Kelly King
Coulter P. King and Alexis S. Wise
AJ Kintner
Chris Kiriakatis
Andrew Klauber
Jayee X. Koffey
Ruchi Kotahwala
KSL Advisors
Law Office of John Harrington
Ryan Leahy
William K. Lee
Nancy Lee
Michael E. Lefkowitz
Leophi Construction
Sarah Leshner Carvalho
Scott Levinson
Richard Levy
Jeffrey M. Levy
Kenneth Lewis
Liberty Coca-Cola Beverages
Michael G. Liguzinski
Heather Livernois
Richard LoCicero
Lisa Losh
Teresa Low
Kris Magel
Brian R. and Florence Mahony
Schone Malliet
Anthony E. Mann
Melody Marcus
Craig Marino
Henry Mark
Rodney and Rosalie C. Marr
Thomas Marsh
Leslie Marshall
Frank Martarella
Alison Chak C. Masick
Mathis Pfohl Foundation
Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC
Laura J. McGrath
Heather McManus
Mega Contracting Group
Linda Mellis
Metro Swim Shop, Inc.
Rose Milord
Rahul Nath Moodgal
Moses Sole Realty LLC
Marybeth Mullen
Michael P. Mulligan
John Muscatella
N.A.A.C.P. Williamsbridge Branch
National Winter Activity Center
A. Dimitri Naylor
Steve Nebesni
Daniel A. Neff
Vernetta Nelson
Neuhaus Realty, Inc.
New York Life-NYLPAC
Ted and Ellen Newman
Newport Designs Corporation
Mansa Nicome
Danielle E. Noak
Noble Construction Group LLC
Northfield Bank Foundation
Chima Nwankwo
NYC Health & Hospitals/Queens
Gina Nicole Odim
Reginald Odom
Omosede Ogiamien
Eji Okorafor
Sarah Oliver
Patrick E. O'Reilly
Patricia Ornst
Sang H. Pak
Kelley Panariello
Harry Pantelides
Maggie Parent
Theresa Park
Park Avenue Building & Roofing Supplies
Brian Parness
Hemal Patel
Kathryn B. Payne
Pena & Kahn, PLLC
Kenny Peng
Thomas Pepe
Kurtis Perdelwitz
Perelson Weiner LLP
Juan Perez
Sallie R. Permar
John Perrone
Maria Petrone
Lynn Petry
Jake Piasecki
Errol L. Pierre
Daniel Pipitone
Margaret Platt
Elizabeth Plosser
Jennifer Poland
Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union
Renee A. and William B. Pollard
Polsky Sports and Entertainment
Elaine J. Pommells
Kim Pompey
Precor USA
Premier Drywall of NY, Inc.
Project Tactical Solutions
Prudential Securities
Christina Pullo
Paul J. Pullo
Eric Queen
Thomas J. Quinlan
Raising Cane's Restaurants LLC
Luis Ramos
Charles Reichenthal
Eugene E. Reilly
Christopher Reno
Richmond Appliance
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Michael Rivadeneyra
Riverside Risk Advisors LLC
Charmaine Robin
Gareth Robinson
Rocker Family Foundation
Michael G. Rodgers
Fiordaliza A. Rodriguez
Sal Romano
Nancy Rondon
Gary Rosenberg
Alex Rosenblatt
Rotary Club of Chinatown
Joe Rotondo
RSF Building Corp
William D. Rueckert
Brandon W. Ruland
Susan D. Russell
Peter Saba
Salsa Catering
Megan Salt Sistarenik
Ansley Samson and Dennis Gephardt
Sharisse Sanders
Robert Sandor
Marco Savos
Scamardella,Gervasi,Thomson & Kasegrande, P.C.
Frank Scarangello
Y. David Scharf
Victoria Schippers
Scholastic Books
Scholastic Inc.
Girolama Sciortino
Security USA, Inc.
Tammy Serbee
Peter Shapiro
Susan Sharer
Tony and Charline Shaw
Jaidev Shergill
Greg Signorile
Neda Simaika
Jeremiah Smith
Greg Smith
Sabrina Snyder
Addison Sollog
Sound Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Spin Master, Inc.
Spring Bank
Jeremy C. Squilla
SSN Insurance
St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy
Joseph Staehle
Jean Steiner
Stella Strazdas and Henry Forrest
SterlingRisk Insurance
Alan Suna
Yi-Ling Tan
Taub's Floor Covering
TD Bank
The Children's Hope Chest, Inc.
The Hudson Gateway Realtor Foundation
The Joan Dougherty Foundation
The John Da Silva Memorial Fund
The Morgan Group
The Tom and Salsey Sullivan Foundation
Eric Thirer
Rahnold Thomas
Abby Thomas
Glenn Thrope
Todd Harris Co., Inc.
Justin Tomasino
Triton Construction
Helen M. Truax and Ian Ross
Veronica Tucker
Twin Beeches Foundation
Jim Tyran
Margaret A. Usher
Valley National Bank
Brian VanderSchauw
Vanguard Charitable
Lisa Varlack
Verizon Foundation
Megan M. Vlasto
Richard Vogt
Bill Wakefield
Jonathan Waldauer
Jonathan Waldman
Wall Street Dragons Cultural Foundation
Simon Walsh
Heather Ward
Bernard and Paula Warren
William Washington
Meghan Wassel
Webster Bank
David A. Weisbrod
David Weisman
Mark D. Wellman
Western Pest Services
Dawn S. Wheatley and Bruce Schaller
William L. and Cynthia P. Wilby
Gary J. Wolfe
Tony Wong
Elizabeth Wong
Ling Xu
SuYeon You
Brianna G. Young
Zetlin & De Chiara LLP
Stuart Zimmerman
Thank you for your generous support. To update your donor listing please contact, and to make a gift to the YMCA Access Fund, visit our donation page.