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Throw a hassle-free, fun-filled birthday party for your child at the Y. Pool Party A Sunday afternoon party includes 50 minutes of swimming followed by 1 hour room rental for up to 20 participants. Availability: Sundays, 2 PM - 4 PM Pricing: Y Member: $300 Community: $375 $50 deposit required to hold date. Contact Dianne DiPeri at 718-551-9319 or for more information on pool parties and rentals. Previous Next Our Spaces Day Camp YMCA campers build robots, go on field trips, learn to swim, and have fun all summer long! Find a Camp Swimming at the Y Take a swim lesson, swim laps in our pool, or join a water exercise class. Explore Swim Programs Preschool at the Y Our preschool program builds strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. Childcare Details
Throw a hassle-free, fun-filled birthday party for your child at the Y. Pool Party A Sunday afternoon party includes 50 minutes of swimming followed by 1 hour room rental for up to 20 participants. Availability: Sundays, 2 PM - 4 PM Pricing: Y Member: $300 Community: $375 $50 deposit required to hold date. Contact Dianne DiPeri at 718-551-9319 or for more information on pool parties and rentals. Previous Next Our Spaces Day Camp YMCA campers build robots, go on field trips, learn to swim, and have fun all summer long! Find a Camp Swimming at the Y Take a swim lesson, swim laps in our pool, or join a water exercise class. Explore Swim Programs Preschool at the Y Our preschool program builds strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. Childcare Details