All Are Welcome: Nagela's Story


NAI participant

Country of origin?

Why did you leave Haiti?
To join my sister.

Did you come to the U.S. by yourself or with family? Did you have family here already?
I came by myself, but I did have siblings in the U.S. already.

What has your journey been like?
When I first arrived in NYC, it was huge, strange, and beautiful.

How did you find out about the Y? How has the Y helped you on your journey?
I was looking for somewhere where I could learn to speak English. My sister's aunt sent me to Y. As a new immigrant in this country, the Y gave me the first key for my journey and helped with the barriers of coming here.

What has been the most difficult part about the transition to a new country?
The most difficult part for was restarting; as a 27-year-old woman who already had a life in my country, it was very difficult to restart professionally, financially, and also as a parent.

What do you miss most about Haiti?
I miss my family, the distinguished taste of Haitian fruits and vegetables.

What do you like most about NYC?
I like the diverse food culture, and all of the educational organizations in NYC.

What are you most looking forward to now?
Now I am looking forward to going to college and building my own business.

Is there anything you’d like to say to other new immigrants in NYC?
The only thing I can say is follow the instructions, rules and laws; focus on what you have to do without forgetting self-respect, kindness, and how to learn from mistakes.

Is there anything else that is especially important for us to tell New Yorkers about immigrants and stories like yours?
My story is special as are all immigrants in America, we all come to the U.S. to make our dreams come true.

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